The US Presidential election is at an exciting stage & it is predicted to have a close finish. It has been the most bizzare & crazy electioneering process. Never has there been an election where one of the candidates has had the most negative sentiment, but somehow has influenced the implicit mind of the voters to get nominated and be a strong Presidential candidate!

There are various polls with differing results. Clinton seems to be having an edge in most of the polls. Trump, it seems has peaked at the right time.S

I have taken a shot at predicting the US elections.  My prediction is not based on survey polling. It is a combination of applying statistics to 2012 poll results, social media sentiments, Digital branding of political leaders & qualitative talks with few US citizens.

Swing states seems to be Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virgina (which account of 96 electoral votes).

As per my predictions.. Trump would be the winner with 300 votes!


Final Results


Table 1


Table 2


Table 3


Table 4